OBSOLETE Patch-ID# 119091-35
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Keywords: security iscsi
Synopsis: Obsoleted by: 141879-08 SunOS 5.10_x86: Sun iSCSI Device Driver and Utilities Patch
Date: Sep/16/2009
Install Requirements: Reboot after installing this patch to activate the changes delivered. An alternative may be specified in the Special Install Instructions.
Solaris Release: 10_x86
SunOS Release: 5.10_x86
Unbundled Product:
Unbundled Release:
Xref: This patch available for SPARC as patch 119090
Topic: SunOS 5.10_x86: Sun iSCSI Device Driver and Utilities Patch
Relevant Architectures: i386
Bugs fixed with this patch:
Changes incorporated in this version: 6869841
Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch: 121981-03 123501-02
Patches which conflict with this patch:
Patches required with this patch: 118855-36 (or greater)
Obsoleted by: 141879-08
Files included with this patch:
Problem Description:
6869841 patch 119091-34 is missing postpatch script
(from 119091-34)
6801126 libima should get over pkginfo love
(from 119091-33)
6734689 iscsiadm can not remove target-param for a target which is not discovered by initiator yet
(from 119091-32)
6698337 utilize UNIX Standard (/dev/[r]dsk) paths in iscsiadm output
(from 119091-31)
6551323 iSCSI kernel panics when losing connections to iSCSI targets
6710189 pkt_time timeout should start when command sent across network to target
6713180 iSCSI: PANIC in iscsi_sess_release_itt() under repetitive I/O tests
6679007 iscsi-initiator can't get radius response from server during bidirectional authentication
6667326 iscsiadm should provide better error message when deleting non-existent discovery-address
6679166 iSCSI initiator: it takes several minutes to boot due to iSCSI discovery failures
(from 119091-30)
6383114 iscsiadm can create initiator-node names that are not allowed by spec section 6.2 of rfc3722
6707701 'iscsiadm modify initiator-node' does not map upper-case characters to their lower-case equivalents
(from 119091-29)
6683124 iscsiadm may list discovery session as a normal target
(from 119091-28)
6662323 iscsiadm list target -S -v iqn...: OS Device Name shows only control characters
6685476 a counter in isns_process_scn is incorrectly updated
6681911 iSCSI initiator marks LUN as online even if online failed
6497644 recursive rw_enter in dv_find
(from 119091-27)
6522247 iscsiadm hung in semaphore
(from 119091-26)
6476060 cannot login to target which has two portals but one is bad
6564414 iSCSI initiator may set LUN number as '0' for multiple LUNs
6568295 iSCSI MPxIO failback does not happen with iSCSI arrays
6601828 Solaris 10 (SPARC and x86) IPv6 iSCSI "discovery" level (initial setup) not finding targets
(from 119091-25)
6418591 panic[cpu0]/thread=2a101545cc0: kstat_q_exit: qlen == 0
(from 119091-24)
6468489 .mpathadm shows up in the ident string of /etc/security/exec_attr
(from 119091-23)
6513418 119091-22 obsoletes the wrong feature point patch
(from 119091-22)
6476717 patch 119091-21 fails to install
(from 119091-21)
This revision accumulates nws10u3 feature point patch 123501-02
and also delivers the following bugfix:
6449666 i.preserve will not deliver the iscsi.conf changes
(from 119091-20)
6368406 iscsiadm list target is not listing correct TargetAlias
6394294 iSCSI should support mpxio-disable property
6396274 iSCSI initiator is not properly handling iSCSI Text Responses that span text PDUs
6398514 enabling iscsi breaks modunload for all other drivers in the system
6416687 iscsi: panic[cpu0]/thread=d32fda00: recursive rw_enter, lp=d6c98604
(from 119091-19)
6412468 panic[cpu1]/thread=fffffe8000a7ac80: kernel heap corruption detected on running devfsadm -i iscsi
(from 119091-18)
6388390 write failure when disabling send-targets discovery while doing I/O to 5210
(from 119091-17)
6368415 format long delay / devfsadm -C hang with stale iscsi /dev links
6391839 invalid initiator name registered with isns when address is already entered prior to able
6371828 Auth - iscsiadm doesn't provide way to set target chap name, defaults chapname to targetname
6383806 iscsiadm modify initiator-node -a chap -H chapname: chap name is set to 'chap' instead of 'chapname'
6379890 unexpected OS error, modify failed when setting CHAP password
6376509 iscsiadm list target -v does not display correct discovery method
6348170 iSNS - client does not process iSNS message that spans across PDU boundary
(from 119091-16)
6390387 patchrm of 119090-15 fails with WARNING: patchrm returned <7>
(from 119091-15)
This revision accumulates S10U2 feature point patch 121981-03
and also delivers the following bugfixes:
6381723 update IMA common library from Sourceforge
6382994 add license.html to IMA common src directory
(from 119091-14)
6343904 patches failing to install when upgrading with S10U1 installer on zones system
(from 119091-13)
6297371 intermittent login hangs with authentication enabled
6300259 iscsiadm list target <target1> <target2> <target3> lists same
(from 119091-12)
6296381 changing initiator-node name turns off authentication and digest initiator
6306146 iSCSI does not work with IPv6 on x86/amd64
6300099 panic[cpu0]/thread=2a100703cc0: BAD TRAP: type=31 in module sockfs
6304963 default transmit segment length should be 8k
6314187 iscsi patches do not require related patch for /etc/driver_aliases change
(from 119091-11)
6287318 "src/iscsi_queue.c", line 240: warning: set but not used in function: tp in iscsi_dequeue_cmd
6303184 iSCSI Initiator needs to retry though login failures with a status class 0x03
6298546 iscsiadm should be group bin
(from 119091-10)
6262413 recursive mutex_enter when logout times out
6233384 with MPxIO enabled, connection not re-established when failed iSCSI path was recovered
6284875 iscsi driver delays five seconds for each LUN with login redirection
6296407 problems encountered when enabling radius access
6261483 iscsi.c:iscsi_ioctl()-> ISCSI_TARGET_OID_LIST_GET->ISCSI_TGT_PARAM_OID_LIST is returning too much
6293219 iscsiadm modify initiator-node -N can give errors even though it works
6296971 iscsiadm does not accept max length CHAP password for initiator on X86 platforms
6297390 CHAP-Secret and CHAP-Name long options should be CHAP-secret and CHAP-name respectively
(from 119091-09)
6267539 memory leak in iscsi_net_disconnect
6267543 radius socket code could be simplified
6263279 iscsiadm list target -S not displaying the current available LUNs to host
6288103 protocol bug: iscsi_rx_process_reject and iscsi_rx_process_tx_mgt_rsp not using ntohl() on cmdsn
6285462 fix for 6173912/6216983 differs between nwsnv & nws10
6173739 iscsiadm cannot be used to change multiple target parameters for single target at one time
6213484 invalid iSCSI node names are accepted
6213516 iscsiadm does not check ipv6 addresses closely
6236375 iscsiadm should use 'sendtargets' as a long option, not 'send-targets'
6254222 iscsiadm list target <targetname> doesn't list multiple portals
6258672 iSCSI initiator node alias is truncated without warning
6261560 "iscsiadm list target-param -v" is not case-sensitive while "iscsiadm list target -v" is
6261627 "iscsiadm modify target-param" needs error checking for some parameter
6261669 output of "list target-param -v" is out of alignment after login parameters modified
6262279 iscsiadm usage missing --help option
6268934 adding an administrative interface to allow setting of the CHAP username
6282646 updated cstyle points out a couple problems in iscsi code
6240911 null pointer dereference on tcp_wput mutex via iSCSI initiators transfer thru the so interface
6226933 missing iSCSI connection hangs format
6221284 ITT leak during fault testing
(from 119091-08)
6274744 remove dead timeout code
6259737 panic[cpu0] assertion failed: icmdp->cmd_next == NULL, file: src/iscsi_cmd.c, line 227
6276026 iSCSI I/O hangs while running GRITS and diskomizer to filesystems and SVM devices
5094370 endless code loop if session runs out of available itt values
6255629 iscsi hangs with two enumeration threads in progress for a single session
6259522 SPARC server panics iscsi_tx_r2t when ran I/O and fault on both NetApp and CSCO router device
6263646 "recursive mutex_enter" panic seen on SPARC and x86
6278190 iSCSI panic with kernel heap corruption after tran errors from the netapp
6280621 panic: SCSI target right before aborts timed out
6282686 panic[cpu2]/thread=2a1000d7cc0: assertion failed: pkt != NULL, file: src/iscsi.c, line: 830
(from 119091-07)
6239078 SUNWiscsir packaging battles SUNWos86r over scsiclass,00
(from 119091-06)
6231706 panic during dynamic addition/removal of LUNs (equal logic)
6247445 panic BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) running I/O to McData Bridge
6257030 default tpgt in static-config causes discovery problems
(from 119091-05)
6240818 not all tape devices attached with iscsi - guid creation fails
6213487 create iscsi node name from within driver instead of postinstall script
6235292 assertion failure with empty sendtargets response
6236260 parsing error with SendTargets response
6242847 iscsi panic- deadlock: cycle in blocking chain - when target requesting NOP_OUT via NOP_IN
6244250 assertion failure when TCP connection fails while attempting to logout a target
6206029 RADIUS client needs to perform per packet authentication
6240849 hang during enumeration if array drops SCSI commands (Cisco bridge -> Sun system1)
6211472 Negotiated Value of target Header/Data Digest not updated after host boot
6230319 need to check length of initiator secret
6233206 iscsiadm should not use the same option letter (-S) for different options
6241611 iscsiadm error messages when run as non-root need to be cleaned up
6211560 driver needs to use MAX_ISCSI_NAME_LEN + 1 for iSCSI names
6244358 panic: kernel memory heap corruption when bringing interface up/down
6245161 minor memory leak in iscsi_tran_bus_config
6226740 host hanging during I/O with greater than 6 LUNs
6236271 panic on cable pull - timeout conditions
6249424 initiator node alias disappears after reboot
6239185 modunload panic due to missing call to mdi_phci_unregister
6250036 login failures with targets that do not override default tpgt
6213490 normal sessions should attempt initial connect/login only once
6173912 iscsi_net_rx fails I/O rval:6 with initialr2t=off (mcdata bug# 46624)
6216983 when initiator and target negotiate InitialR2T=No target still sends R2T commands to initiator
(from 119091-04)
6228489 CLI should be consistent in target-param listing
6231086 partial login response is too noisy - remove message
6211924 panic when receiving unknown itt
6214546 iscsi: "boot -- -r" causes deadlock between iscsi and fcp on x86
6220773 complaints about 'uninitialized sin6_scope_id' with ipv6 addresses
6221880 iSCSI can have non scsi_vhci names which are non-unique and too long in some cases
6222630 unable to modify authentication target_params
6207973 iscsiadm should use '-' not '_' in the object names
6224866 to display negotiated target parameters under target
6220407 problem in adding, removing, displaying static_config using iscsiadm commands
6239207 iscsiadm modify target-param creates redundant session object
(from 119091-03)
6224359 iscsi driver unable to attach to equal logic
(from 119091-02)
6219608 to consolidate initiator_node and initiator objects in iscsiadm
6211499 not all paths are being plumbed under mpxio properly (during boot)
(from 119091-01)
5094124 iSCSI support
6206568 I/O failures on iSCSI target (incomplete write- giving up)
6207172 CLI needs to support tpgt on static_config
6208490 iscsi: "boot -- -r" caused SPARC panic (ndi_devi_enter across bus_config calls)
6212031 modifying the initiator radius-server should not require port number
6214405 iscsi: sendtargets login fails with Cisco bridges
6215262 iSCSI I/O hang during fault testing
6221432 iscsiadm list target_param failed
6218751 panic while during fault timeout conditions (causing cross mutex panic)
(from 121981-03)
6390196 the iSCSI patches deliver the wrong etc/ima.conf
(from 121981-02)
6375178 hang on ip/name resolution as a result of running format when I/O is running
6375740 changing target-param via iscsiadm remove target-param does not result in new params being used
6380321 redzone violation while doing sendtgts request to ATTO bridge device
6370257 memory corruption with iscsi attach-detach-attach cycle
6378143 iSCSI login failed - Miscellaneous iSCSI initiator errors (0x02/0x00)
6378566 iscsi: panic[cpu0]/thread=d32fda00: recursive rw_enter, lp=d6c98604 wwwh=d32fda04
6275410 cannot change maxoutstandingr2t target-parameter with iscsiadm
6358044 iscsiadm list target-param is displaying info for target even after it was removed
6377558 NOTICE: iscsi persistent store update ok now filename:/etc/iscsi/iscsi_v1.dbc
6354973 iscsiadm add discovery-address returns 'unknown error' when multiple addresses are entered
6374756 extra characters are seen appended to chap name for initiator-node
6380424 patches need to deliver the ima.conf
(from 121981-01)
6173739 iscsiadm cannot be used to change multiple target parameters for a single target at one time
6186291 add support for iSNS discovery
6204742 drivers should use LDFLAGS instead of _depends_on[]
6212320 target_param maxrecvdataseglen will not accept max or min value
6249509 bad grammar in error message "failed to received login response"
6251575 integrate iSCSI Management API
6254172 iSCSI issues warnings about 'no compatible driver'
6263322 target's CHAP secret length is not checked
6268840 clean up error messages issued by iscsiadm for invalid radius-shared-secret entries
6271727 iscsi driver is not lint clean
6282455 I/O hang during 24+ hour fault testing (enumeration hung)
6290500 clean-up/address XXX comments
6292453 add logout support when disabling or removing a discovery service
6299456 setting bad firstburstlength/maxburstlength values fails with no errors generated
6311820 iSCSI should support variable length CDBs (> 16 bytes)
6314196 iSCSI target alias should be listed without -v / also should be under list target output
6338487 spelling error in msg 'WARNING: iscsi driver found no comptible driver'
6340791 iSCSI MS/T Support
6341375 'iscsiadm list target <target-name>' does not support mixed case target names
6344551 modify target-param command ignores more than one target while help (-?) indicates otherwise
6357322 iSCSI initiator ignores bridged SCSI devices that are not spc3 compliant
6361861 list target-param shows extra aliases
(from 123501-02)
6221842 looping implicit disconnect/login between two competing connections - netapp
6361661 panic[cpu1]/thread=d2994e00: mutex_enter: bad mutex panic
6377013 Msg Failed to set discovery info on target OID 11 when changing configured sessions target parameter
6377485 iSCSI initiator doesn't handle report LUNs address peripheral bus identifier properly (> 255 LUN#)
6383602 target is not in use but fails to log out when discovery is disabled and can't log in
6396333 initiator does not register with good isns-server if isns-server list contains bad isns-server address
6423706 RFE: extend ms/t support to use different peer IP addresses when available
(from 123501-01)
6326608 provide initiator-port related properties
Patch Installation Instructions:
Please refer to the man pages for instructions on using 'patchadd'
and 'patchrm' commands provided with Solaris.
The following example installs a patch to a standalone machine:
example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/123456-07
The following example removes a patch from a standalone system:
example# patchrm 123456-07
For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages. Any
other special or non-generic installation instructions should be
described below as special instructions.
Special Install Instructions:
README -- Last modified date: Saturday, November 10, 2012