Patch-ID# 126479-26

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Keywords: security messaging sunos5.9 sunos5.10
Synopsis: Messaging Server (64bit) 6.3-16.01: core patch
Date: Nov/30/2011

Install Requirements: See Special Install Instructions

Solaris Release: 9 10

SunOS Release: 5.9 5.10

Unbundled Product: Messaging Server (64bit)

Unbundled Release: 6.3-16.01

Xref: This patch available for SunOS 5.9_x86 5.10_x86 in patch 126480-26

Topic: Messaging Server (64bit) 6.3-16.01 SunOS 5.9 5.10: core patch

Relevant Architectures: sparc

BugId's fixed with this patch: 12309193 12309367 12544046 13024636 4754338 4905680 4939038 4954026 5103024 5103356 5107406 6201676 6223638 6237504 6404489 6405318 6427246 6446718 6451949 6461982 6462247 6469594 6474193 6479346 6486077 6486293 6488835 6489137 6489378 6491311 6492412 6496592 6500463 6506232 6508268 6508581 6509577 6510253 6512812 6513854 6518950 6519467 6519659 6520206 6521038 6521683 6525840 6528139 6528708 6528718 6529182 6530098 6530108 6530130 6530164 6530591 6531809 6531837 6533417 6534067 6534073 6534077 6534939 6534944 6534959 6534997 6535399 6536023 6536312 6537110 6537114 6537134 6537296 6537645 6537655 6537911 6539108 6540120 6540158 6541196 6541729 6541851 6542177 6543714 6543854 6544041 6544137 6544393 6544760 6545463 6545520 6545590 6545693 6545720 6546649 6546655 6546670 6546701 6546735 6547004 6547080 6548718 6549459 6549890 6550800 6550852 6551857 6551978 6552592 6553236 6553917 6554099 6554101 6554102 6554522 6554887 6555469 6555520 6555543 6555905 6556554 6556953 6557064 6557168 6559245 6559422 6560326 6560745 6561275 6564485 6564816 6564905 6564907 6565147 6566466 6567238 6567494 6569040 6569282 6570257 6570677 6570971 6572478 6573824 6574627 6574667 6577089 6577157 6577288 6577393 6577665 6577804 6580055 6580294 6580785 6583111 6585394 6585409 6585999 6586153 6586215 6586519 6587162 6587405 6587870 6589191 6589215 6590067 6590888 6591427 6591738 6593920 6594922 6596651 6596716 6596880 6597842 6597846 6598342 6599165 6599679 6601236 6601870 6602072 6602100 6604019 6604027 6604629 6605629 6606980 6608445 6610717 6611011 6611727 6612255 6612268 6612669 6614787 6616247 6616478 6617550 6618926 6621496 6623115 6626474 6627524 6627615 6630614 6633485 6633879 6636411 6636936 6640704 6647586 6647960 6649751 6649882 6649974 6650145 6650718 6654023 6654488 6655647 6655865 6655901 6657354 6658371 6659056 6660266 6660616 6665988 6667531 6673011 6675879 6680623 6683220 6683902 6687618 6687888 6691792 6693930 6694195 6694204 6694608 6694611 6696293 6696602 6697572 6698495 6698855 6699043 6703686 6703943 6704222 6705163 6705466 6706580 6709234 6709755 6709891 6710005 6710112 6711543 6712602 6712633 6712648 6713266 6717288 6720422 6720649 6726118 6726735 6726739 6727976 6732971 6734637 6734657 6736538 6738583 6738810 6742425 6743256 6746376 6746594 6747104 6747405 6748629 6750733 6751017 6754858 6759556 6761108 6763047 6764059 6764366 6765080 6766274 6766876 6768781 6769814 6772550 6775369 6776956 6778115 6781779 6786062 6788373 6791660 6792771 6796081 6796505 6800219 6817618 6818684 6821205 6824508 6837107 6842094 6843447 6847641 6856388 6857261 6859207 6867386 6872757 6878493 6884857 6888664 6896215 6896382 6897979 6899201 6904555 6918844 6919230 6922304 6923945 6924519 6925745 6925826 6927507 6928737 6932409 6933971 6943625 6945106 6951578 6978286 6979692 6990217 6992846 7016168

Changes incorporated in this version: 6587405 12309193 12309367 12544046 13024636

Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch:

Patches which conflict with this patch:

Patches required with this patch:
Note: This patch requires the NSS/NSPR/JSS, SASL, LDAP C SDK, ICU and OS patches.

Obsoleted by:

Files included with this patch:


Problem Description:

6587405 tcp_smtp_server core in he_write_header_internal - current_item out of range
(from 126479-25)
6856388 MS 7.0, chooses Japanese encoding although preferred language is zh-TW
7016168 STARTTLS buffering problem
(from 126479-24)
6842094 SMTP line wrapping fixes
6990217 valid mime-type between single quotes may lead to security implications
6992846 Unknown code ____ 255 error in UWC after MS patch 120228-40 is applied
(from 126479-23)
6928737 Core dump when dynamic ldap URL expands to multiple recipients and LDAP_USE_ASYNC is enabled.
6945106 imapd core in charset_readplain
6951578 AService core dump on problems with LDAP
6978286 imexpire sieve condition only applied when exclusive is enabled
6979692 imexpire sieve filter mechanism failing to find all matching messages
(from 126479-22)
6512812 shorter socket timeout during imap append
6896382 imapd should timeout waiting for lock for APPEND
6919230 Linux: popd daemon cause high CPU and goes into SIGPIPE loop after an abnormal end.
6923945 6.3 metermaid penalize type table no longer works after patch 120228-36
6925826 MS 6.3, 7u3, vacation auto-reply subject gets truncated
6927507 'script' replaced by 'sc-ript' in the body of RTF emails
6932409 mshttpd crashes while spell check
6933971 reconstruct core dump assert in lock_unlock while closing mailbox
6943625 The word 'from' of the mailAutoReplyText* is replaced with sender address during autoreply
(from 126479-21)
6821205 POLLHUP and RST caused by shutting the connection by SpamAssassin-plugin
6872757 IMAP STATUS command returns incorrect folder size if folder usage is greater then 4GB
6878493 minor problems with mshttpd handling folders larger than 2GB in size
6888664 possibility to load remote javascript and execute
6904555 General Error: Original userid not available for user 'xxxx'; can't perform IMAP login when hitting
6918844 assert of imapd in cmd_append_data
6922304 MMP POP proxy loops on recv() = 0 from client
6924519 After session resource timeout, subsequent IMAP connections incorrectly reauthorise as admin user
6925745 if local.http.replayformat is set to %o, all user will access only admin's inbox
(from 126479-20)
6616478 msuserpurge crashes if user does not have mailUserStatus set
6884857 IMAP SORT on 'From' still sorting incorrectly
6896215 Add timeout to imexpire when attempting to access locked mailbox
6897979 imexpire General Error: expirerule Rule1: regexp clone error (6.3 only)
6899201 MS 6.3, ims_master dumped core at HostsTree_AddRef()
(from 126479-19)
6404489 webmail proxy login fails if inetdomainsearchfilter doesn't include uid
6697572 tcp_smtp_server core dumps under load with ClamAV
6818684 userlist mechanism sometimes gets disabled when maximum connection limit is hit
6867386 msprobe connections to IMAP over SSL timeout earlier than what is set in service.readtimeout
(from 126479-18)
6847641 IMAP SORT on 'From' having problems with encoded names
(from 126479-17)
6519467 auto-recreate during rename hang
6726739 metermaid integer overflow with large quota:time ratio
6772550 Various problems with the MTA's SRS support
6837107 MS6.3/imquotacheck indicates different "Usage" with or without "-n" option.
6843447 imexpire logs incorrect 'too many expire rules' warning messages
6857261 imexpire messagedays condition can be triggered by future INTERNALDATE value
6859207 imexpire ignores trailing spaces on messageheader.subject
(from 126479-16)
6764059 ReplayFormat fails for cached user lookups
6817618 IMAP list command does not return a result if foldername is a truncated form of INBOX
6824508 UTF-8 line separator sequence not substituted in text/html
(from 126479-15)
6759556 Metermaid does not work as expected in case that quota value exceeds quota_time
6764366 acceptalladdresses channel keyword doesn't always ensure email is accepted
6766274 imapd core dump in idle_done ... unsubscribe_a subs structure overwritten with junk
6768781 UTF-8 line separator sequence not escaped by mshttpd
6775369 mshttpd aborts in MEE_LocalToInternetMessageHeader
6778115 imapd core dumps at mailbox_create()
6781779 Imap IDLE should work if is set to 0.
6786062 imapd core dump at Mblock_New()
6791660 Extra characters being dropped when EOL converted from CRLF to space for sms messages
6792771 IMAP IDLE eventually stops updating flags
6796081 imsrestore core dumps by calling abort() during free() in function 'Group::setAttr'
6796505 seen db repair corrupts data
6800219 when peruser flags list is very long, imsbackup corrupts memory and crashes
(from 126479-14)
6754858 imapd threads looping forever - protasock_writev cnt goes negative
6761108 job_controller can leak fd's due to non-standards compliant implementation of mmap() on LINUX
6763047 mshttpd crash in print_intl_string()
6765080 reconstruct works on wrong folder if folder name begins with INBOX
6766876 enpd fails to start on cluster - cannot connect to watcher on
6769814 MTA time zone offset incorrect for negative offsets from UT with non-zero minutes
6776956 incremental backup now backs up all messages that had been changed and not only the new emails
6788373 tcp_smtp_server core in sy_swild_match
(from 126479-13)
4939038 start-msg does not startup everything
6621496 Can add same user id multiple times with different cases in shared folder window
6654023 Mail Forwarding email field is validated only one time after that it won't validate
6696602 need msprobe switch to do the test and return status, but not initiate restart
6706580 Watcher support for enpd
6711543 MS6.2: tcp_smtp_server core in memcpy
6712602 Spell check incorrectly substitutes words when clicking the Change button multiple times
6712633 XML attachment does not open in the new window
6712648 Not able to delete folder with name containing non-ascii characters
6713266 Potential cross-site scripting issue
6720649 ME shows incorrect time if UWC attribute defines 24 hour time formats
6726118 Incorrect mail forwarding address can be removed from LDAP attributes
6726735 refresh kills metermaid
6734637 IMAP FETCH ALL returns BAD
6734657 IMAP envelope address group parsing bug
6736538 spamfilter error happens at end message stage
6738583 mshttpd does not provide attachment of content-type "application/mac-binhex40" to client
6738810 metermaid count increments by more than 1
6742425 Non-IPv4 IP address entries in /etc/hosts causes subsequent entries to be skipped
6743256 unable to configure folder quota for the INBOX
6746376 tcp_lmtp_server cores because os_swap does not reserve enough space for 64bit frames
6746594 IPv4 address patterns employing a /4 mask don't work properly
6747104 ibiff failures: no enpd notifications for ReadMsg, UpdateMsg etc. events triggered by pop,imap, http
6747405 RPATH not set properly - causes problems with workaround for bug 6572690
6748629 ens related imapd cores due to GDisp assert() failure
6750733 Milter: Extraneous null terminating character at the end of BODY data
6751017 SNMP agent should not require an MTA config
(from 126479-12)
6489378 MMP: make the pending LDAP operation limit adjustable
6627615 store access daemons core in various globalmutex_* routines
6703943 ens notification plugin fails with very long mailbox names
6704222 ENS error message in pop log when ens/enpd disabled
6709234 command line too large - interaction with kendo client
6709755 incremental imsbackup opens files unncessarily
6710005 imapd core dumps in mailbox_reopen_index during an expunge
6727976 imapd crashing during IMAP idle notifications if error occurs opening a mailbox
6732971 Third party authentication server samples make incorrect use of b64_decode
(from 126479-11)
6602072 imapd core on reconstructing mailbox in index_scanperuser on 6.3-1.04
6604629 need to URI encode argv's in print_login_headers
6626474 add new TLDs to internet.rules file
6649974 Labels should not be selectable as a 'Move Selected Folder' in Search window
6660616 Unable to attach select parts of a message
6667531 ;CONVERT clause missing from charset-conversion mapping probe
6683902 enpd core dumps under load
6687618 Uninstalling Messaging Server has problem on Linux platform
6687888 Notifications on mailbox expunges show incorrect message flag counts
6694204 mshttpd can crash due to malformed WMAP request
6698855 100% CPU if connection to LDAP server is shut down when MMP is expecting a response from the svr
6703686 imapd crash on long folder name - makeEventkey buffer overrun
6705163 tcp_smtp_server crashes in PR_Close() if an error occurs when sending commands to milters
6705466 popd does not present EXTERNAL as a SASL mechanism
6709891 Need a configurable maximum timeout for IMAP non-authenticated state
6710112 MMP services need equivalent of maxsessions
6717288 webmail forwarding builds incorrect mailForwardingAddress attributes
6720422 enpd core dumps in ibiff and imapIdle on msg tip machines
(from 126479-10)
6540158 javascript error if mailto: link contains encoded newline characters
6608445 dispatcher displays error upon startup when parsing IPV6 entries in /etc/inet/hosts
6617550 tcp_smtp_server core in mmc_process_sieve_file - bad context->mm_last_expression[sieve_hash]
6647586 SSL acceleration using Ultrasparc T1 Cryptographic framework fails with Solaris 10 update 4
6649882 Code to construct Sieves from LDAP doesn't handle 8bit properly
6650145 smime.conf passwords should not be written to logfile
6655865 imdbverify dumping core at HostsTree_AddRef()
6660266 Messenger Express does not recognize double byte attachment filenames properly on IE6/7
6665988 Fullwidth digits are sent as utf-8 instead of iso-2022-jp
6675879 Forced reprocessing should use intermediate address, not final address
6680623 MMP authentication server spurious error 'header violates policy: authserver 49 2 2'
6683220 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability
6691792 Messaging Express mail search with Firefox can result in Javascript Error and blank search frame
6693930 MMP should log NSS error codes with log messages if SSL initialisation fails
6694195 over quota warning situation results in lost mail
6694608 AService crashes due to buffer overflow
6694611 SSL fails to initialise in all subsequent MMP services if first service loaded fails
6696293 certificate-based authentication for IMAPS always requires an AUTHENTICATE command
6698495 listing folders in Kendo is too slow
6699043 imap sort response can take a long time
(from 126479-09)
6604027 many processes dumped core in ens on shut down
6614787 panic in __log_dbenv_refresh
6633485 mta returns 5.x.x error when sending mail to a mailinglist during ldap-server shut down
6654488 return_job fails to work for messages in filter_discard channel on 64bit
6655647 SASL mechanisms not listed in capabilities string when using TLS with client certificate auth
6655901 Incorrect messagetype counts sent to JMQ for NewMsg events
6657354 imsasm: nsrfile fails with broken pipe
6659056 Sieve notify needs :days and :hours parameters
6673011 Problem processing sieves produced by milter or XML config that exceed 1024 characters
(from 126479-08)
6446718 Messenger Express pressing f5 (refresh) causes Javascript error in IE
6596880 tcp_smtp_server dumps core for certain sasl configuration
6627524 can't edit a draft using IE 6&7 and Firefox, javascript error appears
6633879 mshttpd crash when no "mail" attribute is set for user
6636411 tcp_smtp_server processes can core during DNS TXT record retrieval if SPF is enabled
6636936 patchrm fails for 64 bit version of messaging due to differing package names
6640704 mshttpd can crash if a misformed WMAP request is issued by a client
6647960 XFILE: LDAPSDK bug 6209481 - mshttpd crashes due to double free in
6649751 tcp_smtp_server core on junk header with 8bitmime
6650718 certificate-based authentication fails with MMP
6658371 Mail :  still bgColor issues when viewing html mails
(from 126479-07)
6237504 body location missing from returned BODYSTRUCTURE
6506232 use sub directories for axs-one archive
6556554 imapd core in index_fetchsection() due to corrupted cache record
6569040 X-envelope-to addresses in mailbody with large group (memberURL) passing conversion on frontend MTA
6586215 Need to trim spaces from POP server before attempting to collect external messages
6586519 invalid folder request causes all folders to not be viewable
6590067 cfg.msc does not provide folders with ] in their names
6599679 Wrong decode mode being used when writing AXS:One binary attachments
6601870 lpool fails to handle LDAP referrals correctly
6602100 Should trim leading/trailing spaces from User ID in Share Folder window
6612268 possibility of mail access daemon thread deadlocking occuring upon accessing users mailbox
6612669 store.messagetype.header config option does not work
6616247 imsconnutil - configuration not honored when used with -k option
6618926 Messenger Express returns error 'Message no longer exists'
6623115 64-bit async resolver - all entries in /etc/hosts resolve to
6630614 mboxutil -f dumped core with both -c and -d option
(from 126479-06)
6537645 Need to comply with JESMF JES5U1 requirements
6585394 mshttpd dumps core when parsing message
6587162 sms_master crashed if CPU is LBS such as intel after applying patch 120230-20 + 1-21910308
6587870 core with signal SEGV when running 'imsimta test -exp -mm -block -input=<filter> -message=<message>
6589215 AService core on shutdown with IMAP using T2000 SSL accelerator
6590888 MS6.3: SMTP server processes not respecting result of PORT_ACCESS probes
6594922 SMS channel fails to detect I/O read errors
6596716 "Message length is invalid" error returned by ESME
6597846 Archiving interface needs the ability to hash all header fields
6599165 over quota with status 5.0.0
6601236 SMS: different registered_delivery value on SPARC and x86
6605629 "<storeEnable>" may appear in msg.conf.defaults after applying 6.3p4
6606980 minor memory leak in mshttpd if SSO configured in conjunction with UWC
6610717 SMS channel unable to translate some character sets to UTF-16-BE (UCS2) properly
6611011 imapd crash in mailbox_location_pattern()
6611727 servicetag support
6612255 SMS gateway may generate an e-mail message body for some character sets
(from 126479-05)
6589191 Processes can dump core if HULA cache size set to zero
6591427 Some Sieve :matches patterns can cause a core
6591738 watcher configuration description update
6593920 64 bit patch: patchrm fails
6596651 tcp_smtp_server core in bigvstringfind if string is shorter than pattern
6597842 MTA random number generation doesn't work on 64bit big endian machines
6598342 RFE: add the COUNTS return request to STATUS (and perhaps SEARCH)
6604019 MMP LDAP :dn: matching rule ignored by server, incorrectly encodes LDAP ASN.1 booleans
(from 126479-04)
6577665 When ports are busy on one node (say primary), MS should failover to another node (say secondary).
6580055 reconstruct cannot detect partially delivered messages
6580294 MMP core dumps when printing LDAP timeout log message
6580785 Webmail displays incorrect quota information when mailquota attribute isn't set
6583111 HULA cache timeouts not working correctly
6585409 mshttpd does not authenticate smtp sometimes
6585999 MMP does not connect to watcher if not explicitly enabled (default setting ignored)
6586153 sms_master crashed in smpp_esme_get_str()
(from 126479-03)
4954026 Pop-up msg in server runtime locale, not user's preflang
6469594 Javascript error clicking help button in compose window if pop-up blocker enabled
6492412 processes (libens) do not retry connection to enpd
6508268 Separator bars missing from icon line in folder view and compose window
6508581 PAB email addresses with trailing spaces being stored BASE64 encoded in LDAP
6510253 Searching corporate directory doesn't display any entries
6564816 expunge fails when deleting few messages from huge mailbox
6569282 mshttpd: Failed to parse IMAP response
6570257 mboxutil -r loses user flags when moving mailboxes between partitions
6570677 tcp_lmtp_server coredump if mboxlist_init fails
6570971 Milter body replacement not working when body command is spread across multiple reads
6572478 Only subset of messages is provided by the job controller to the return job
6573824 smtp_client core dumps when handling multi-line reply
6574627 quota warning delivery can deadlock
6574667 mshttp keeps crashing and coring when a user is not provissioned correctly
6577089 imsimta qm dir -from does not filter mail from an empty address
6577157 watcher can encounter non-fatal errors and trigger complete shutdown of all processes
6577288 default:StoreAdmin not being used
6577393 webmail does not protect itself from single quote / apostrophe in IMAP flags
6577804 MS needs to be registered with swordfish
(from 126479-02)
6201676 i18n: Mail sent using large japanese/french data appears garbled
6223638 Nonsensical message on Vacation Message page
6486077 please add the "To" switch to imsimta test -exp
6536023 LINUX ONLY: Patch upgrade from JES5 (RR) to Tepin release fails
6537134 tcp_smtp_server core dump if no permission to write vacation directory
6549890 MS6.2 subject header containing double byte dash incorrectly displayed in MS Outlook clients
6550852 mq_enqueue() appears to be timing out waiting on a full queue on we-gotmail
6552592 imsimta qm jobs command gives invalid output and reports errors communicating with job controller
6553236 ME displays "Copyright 2006" in various HTML files and needs to be updated to 2007
6553917 tcp_lmtp_server core in is_truncated
6554099 Conversion tags accumulate duplicates that should be removed
6554101 Several related milter implementation issues need addressing
6554102 Conversion channels should allow system and source channel sieves to operate
6554522 Need a way to perform group access checks but then defer actual group expansion
6554887 64 bit: http client IP address is incorrect
6555469 Error text not being picked up from FROM_ACCESS mapping
6555520 NEG Testing: When setting retrievetimeout to 2 sec, webmail display garbage
6555543 NEED VCS Support for Messaging Server on Linux
6555905 64bit patch update not working
6556953 useconfig does not set the correct crle for 64bit
6557064 Need VCS Support for Messaging Server on Solaris x86
6557168 dbtmpdir retrieval of config value coding error
6559245 patch-config is not able to save l10n webmail template files to preJES5 directory.
6559422 reconstruct dumps core on truncated mime boundary
6560326 store recovery: folder recovery bitmask errors
6560745 expunge should set status to active even if it was already active
6561275 imap idle failures during testing
6564485 imsrestore generate core dump when restore from tape with approximately 100GB
6564905 Reprocess channel errors don't honor override envelope from address
6564907 Add source channel and destination channel macros to milter interface
6565147 120228-20 says it requires single user mode
6566466 imapd core in ucol_IGetNextCE
6567238 mshttpd crashes during attachment downloading/decoding
6567494 imapd crashed at free().
(from 126479-01)
4754338 Corporate addressbook searches should include mailEquivalentAddress
4905680 setting vacation message via webmail differs from implied behaviour per docs
5103024 Should support Multiple instances of Messaging Server
5103356 SFC: immonitor-access alert header description "for <alt_mail_host" instead
5107406 add logging capabilities for multi-page sms's
6405318 "imsimta test -domain_map" does not return nonzero status on error
6427246 webmail fails to open compose window by javascript:mail.compose().
6451949 need better way to recognize transaction log file accumulation problem
6461982 Getting javascript error while clicking options
6462247 Need to be able to use ispell dictionaries for various character sets
6474193 mshttpd core dump while trying to map_free a null mmap pointer
6479346 S/MIME applet downloaded when it should not be
6486293 snmp subagent startup problems on RH Linux 4
6488835 Sieve "replaceheader" fails to perform when milter interface correctly returns replace subject
6489137 Allow the username sent to SpamAssassin's spamd to be set based on recipient address informationCur
6491311 immonitor-access -H fails if sid in cookie instead of URL
6496592 MTA continues to deliver a message even Milter returns REJECT
6500463 RFE: Add :envelope-from argument to Sieve redirect action; add :notification-flags argument
6509577 Messenger Express: possible Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability in errorHTML function
6513854 ME: javascript error returns when click Text/HTML button multiple times
6518950 imsimta qm help does not have jobs command
6519659 javascript error upon changing days between replies on vacation message settings
6520206 Bug 6284060 - Security issue with Sun ONE Messaging Server /Webmail and Internet Explorer
6521038 increase maximum on the general string pool
6521683 imsconnutil -c -s http: shows invalid TO address
6525840 can not create sub folder under subscribed folder with 'Manage' permission(Distributed shared folder
6528139 mgrpAddHeader attribute adding header field name instead of value
6528708 start-msg and others fail with " version `SUNWprivate1.1' not found"
6528718 MS6.3 - milter plugin doesn't action reject return value correctly after SMFIC_BODYEOB
6529182 during pkgrm, possibly misleading error message (64 bit)
6530098 64-bit:  MS6.3 tcp_smtp dumped core for /share/builds/products/msg/6.3/ships/20070228_63.1/monks_Sun
6530108 tcp_smtp_server cores
6530130 reprocess core tepin release
6530164 64-bit:  MS6.3 SNMP unable to open for reading or writting the lock file /tmp/.ims-snmp-subagent.loc
6530591 mgrpErrorsTo value of / not working properly
6531809 cannot install CE or IM in a sparse zone
6531837 When LOG_FORMAT=3 is set and a parse error occurred, -1 is output in length field in mail.log.
6533417 proc_adjust_priority called without holding lock
6534067 Reimplement setdate and date variables
6534073 Allow bare email address in mgrpAllowedBroadcaster or mgrpDisallowedBroadcaster attribute values
6534077 Edge condition when processing autoreply response 1024 chars long w/o a trailing line break
6534939 imapd leaks FDs while enpd is down
6534944 imapd tries to connect to enpd even though ENS is disabled
6534959 Support includes and comments in general, forward, and reverse text input files
6534997 metermaid process mysteriously disappears
6535399 imsbackup dumped core with badly formed regexp
6536312 Webmail: cfg.msc response contains wrong value for mailQuota even if quota is set to -1
6537110 connThrottle Test01 failed on Tepin 64 bits
6537114 120228-16/120229-16 postpatch fail
6537296 64-bit Tepin cannot read webmail spelling dictionary hashfiles from 32-bit build
6537655 tcp_smtp_server core dump in SPF_exists if no "exists"
6537911 qm maint core dump solaris 10 sparc 64 bit
6539108 meterMaid Test 011, 012 & 013 failed on Tepin 64 bits - core dumped
6540120 cannot set user defined flags that have the same length as a message type flag
6541196 cmd.msc does not return errno=0 upon success
6541729 Linux only: Imapd crashes while looking for axsone server (which doesnot exist)
6541851 MS6.3 - Milter multiple body-part replacements (SMFIF_CHGBODY) fails
6542177 mailuserstatus is inconsistent with the quota db
6543714 patch-config didn't mark msg.conf.defaults as changed even though store.archive.retrieval removed
6543854 JES5_b14c: </html> tag displayed in Error message window when is old.
6544041 watcher start message is not logged
6544137 append copy does not set largest_msg and oldest_msg, imexpire ignores the folder
6544393 LMTP server channel default config
6544760 Allow longer milter sieve results
6545463 Add the abiltiy for sieve redirect to generate appropriate resent- fields automatically
6545520 Unexpected (rare case) error with imsrestore: "Inappropriate ioctl for device"
6545590 mshttpd dumped core while clicking on next mail button continously (archived messages)
6545693 imsimta qm dumps core
6545720 64-bit:  program delivery for specific user using the Pipe Channel doesn't work on AMD system.
6546649 Extended status codes generalted but not returned by the SMTP server in some cases
6546655 IE fails to display inline content when messages are stored in folders with double-byte characters
6546670 Milter plugin doesn't handle multiline replies properly
6546701 MS6.3 - Sieve capture mechanism uses :message by default instead of :dsn
6546735 MS6.3 - Milter recipient deletion doesn't ignore angle brackets around envelope address
6547004 Various minor issues with SMTP server status codes
6547080 Adding a space ' ' in header name of mgrpAddHeader truncates the header name
6548718 Leading backslash dropped from imap flags sieve arguments
6549459 Messenger Express unable to open attachments with single quote (') and hash (#) in filename
6550800 Unable to stop snmp subagent process
6551857 Watcher complains that MeterMaid has "exited abnormally"
6551978 ClamAV plugin truncates error string if clamd STREAM command fails

Patch Installation Instructions:
For Solaris 9 releases, refer to the man pages for instructions
on using 'patchadd' and 'patchrm' scripts provided with Solaris.
Any other special or non-generic installation instructions should be
described below as special instructions.  The following example
installs a patch to a standalone machine:
       example# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02
The following example removes a patch from a standalone system:
       example# patchrm 104945-02
For additional examples please see the appropriate man pages.

Special Install Instructions:
This patch corresponds to version: 6.3-16.01
Stop services before installing the patch.
The patch will generate the directory
to store log files, create file lists and backup old versions.
The files and directories under
<msg_svr_base>/install/patch/126479-26 are as follows:
- There are log files (where YYYYMMDDHHMMSS indicates a timestamp)
  - prepatch script in prepatch_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.log
  - postpatch script in postpatch_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.log
  - patch-config script in patch-config_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.log
  - install-newconfig script in install-newconfig_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.log
  - uninstall-newconfig script in uninstall-newconfig_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.log
- There are intermediate file lists:
  - empty_file - an empty file used for diff3 if a version of the file
    does not exist.
  - config.list - list of config files one per line. The first column
    is the location of the template, the second column is the location
    of the active file. This file is generated by the prepatch script.
  - install.list - output of dryrun devinstall. It is used 
    to generate file.list.  This file is generated by the
    postpatch script. 
  - file.list - a list of files that devinstall creates and
    modifies. It is used by the postpatch script to create backups of
    the files under 
    The file is created in the postpatch script.
  - newconfig.list - This file is generated by patch-config. It is a
    list of "new" candidate config files. It is a subset of the files
    in config.list, i.e. only those that have changed since the last
    version are listed. This file is used install-newconfig and
    uninstall-newconfig as the list of files to operate on.
- The directories are:
  - backout/ - backup of files overwritten during the patch. Generated
    by prepatch script.
  - save/ - where new candidate config files are generated. Backups of
    the active config files at the time patch-config is run are also
    placed here. The files are generated by patch-config.
  - config_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS/ - A backup of config files overwritten by
    the install-newconfig script. This is generated by the
    install-newconfig script.
After applying the patch, the configuration files may need to be
upgraded. You may continue to run the Messaging Server with the old
configuration files till you are ready to install the new
configuration files.
An overview of the steps is as follows:
- Use the <msg_svr_base>/sbin/patch-config utility to generate new
  candidate configuration files. e.g.
    cd <msg_svr_base>
    sbin/patch-config install/patch/126479-26
- The <msg_svr_base>/sbin/install-newconfig utility will
  install the new candidate configuration  files, e.g.
    cd <msg_svr_base>
    sbin/install-newconfig install/patch/126479-26
  install-newconfig has a -f switch to avoid asking for confirmation
  for every file.
- Apply changes to the Directory Server using ldif files. The ldif
  files are located under <msg_svr_base>/lib/patch. See the comments
  in the ldif files for instructions. Note that there is no utility to
  help backout the changes made.
- The uninstall-newconfig can be used to backout the changes made by
  the install-newconfig script. It can be run as follows:
    cd <msg_svr_base>
    sbin/uninstall-newconfig install/patch/126479-26
  uninstall-newconfig has a -f switch to avoid asking for confirmation
  for every file.
The patch-config script generates new candidate config files. 
- It does not alter your existing configuration.
- The new candidate config files are created under 
  It has the same directory structure as the <msg_svr_base>/config
- The new candidate config files will have a .new extension
- Backups of the existing config files will be copied under the same
  area with no additional extension.
- It does a 3 way diff (diff3) to generate the new candidate config
  file. The three versions are:
  - the old template of the config file (saved during the patch by
    the prepatch script into 
  - the new template of the config file (located under
  - the active config file located under <msg_svr_base>/config
  For example, for the imta.cnf config file. The diff3 can be run as
    cd <msg_svr_base>
    diff3 -E config/imta.cnf \
      install/patch/126479-26/backout/lib/config-templates/imta.cnf \
      lib/config-templates/imta.cnf > /tmp/imta.cnf.script
  A new candidate file is created by applying the generated ed script, e.g.
    cp config/imta.cnf /tmp/
    (cat /tmp/imta.cnf.script; echo '1,$p') | ed - /tmp/
- The diff3 may not be able to do a clean merge of the files. In this
  case, the .new file will contain "conflicts". See the diff3(1) man
  page, under the -E switch, for details. The overlapping files from
  both new versions will be inserted into the file delimited by <<<<<<<
  and >>>>>>> lines. The two sections will be separated by a line
  containing =======.
  - In this case, you must manually "resolve" conflicts by picking and
    choosing the correct lines and removing the bracketing lines <<<<<<<,
    >>>>>>>, and =======.
- diff3 only does a lexical merge of the config files. It is strongly
  recommended that you examine and test the new candidate config files
  carefully prior to installing them.
The install-newconfig script copies the new candidate config files to
the active configuration
- The list of config files is taken from the newconfig.list file.
- It checks to make sure there are no conflicts to any config file,
  before it starts installing the new config files. If there is a
  conflict in any config file, no new config files will be installed.
- A backup of the current config files are saved under
- Note that the candidate config files are created by patch-config, so
  any changes made to active config files after patch-config is run,
  will not be reflected in the new config files. 
- The script will prompt you for confirmation for every new config
  file. Use the -f switch to avoid the prompting.
The uninstall-newconfig script restores a backup of the config files
as captured at patch-config time
- The list of files restored is taken from the newconfig.list file
- The backups are taken at patch-config file, and are copied from the
- The script will prompt you for confirmation for every new config
  file. Use the -f switch to avoid the prompting.
For HA (High Availability) systems, you should remove the Messaging
Server from the cluster prior to applying the patch. For example, this
could be done by removing the messaging services from the cluster
resource groups.
Note that you may need to redeploy the mail filter war file located under
If you are patching from a 6.0 version then you can not remove this patch
without first backing up your message stores. If you remove the patch and 
do not restore your databases, the system will hang on start-msg.
In addition, when you patch from 6.0, you should upgrade the
shared components, which in turn may require upgrading all the
components on this host (e.g. Directory Server and Admin
Server). Please consult the JES2 upgrade document for details at
Patching from 6.1 also requires upgrading shared components. Please consult 
the JES3 upgrade document for details.
This patch requires at the very least that the NSS and ICU shared components
be applied prior applying this patch.
A list of required patches are as follows:
Solaris 8 sparc:
  OS:           111308-05 (libmtmalloc)
  NSS/NSPR/JSS: 119209-10
  ICU:          116103-08
  SASL:         115328-02
Solaris 9 sparc:
  OS:           115697-02 (libmtmalloc)
  OS:           111711-14 (libC)
  NSS/NSPR/JSS: 119211-10
  ICU:          114677-10
  SASL:         115342-02
Solaris 10 sparc:
  OS:           119254-02 (Install and Patch Utilities Patch)
  OS:           119963-03 (libC)
  NSS/NSPR/JSS: 119213-10
  ICU:          119810-01
  SASL:         119345-01
Solaris 9 x86:
  OS:           115698-02 (libmtmalloc)
  OS:           111713-13 (libC)
  NSS/NSPR/JSS: 119212-10
  ICU:          114678-10
  SASL:         115343-02
Solaris 10 x86:
  OS:           119255-02 (Install and Patch Utilities Patch)
  OS:           119964-03 (libC)
  NSS/NSPR/JSS: 119214-10
  ICU:          119811-01
  SASL:         119346-01
  SNMP:         120273-03 (for 64bit only)
Note that for Solaris 10 I list the minimum rev of the "Install and
Patch Utilities Patch" because the MS patch will absolutely not work
without it. However, in general you must always apply the latest
"Install and Patch Utilities Patch" before applying any patch.
A special note on the NSS patches. The above NSS patches are only 
required if you have an older package VERSION of NSS. Specifically,
check your package VERSION using the command
      pkgparam -v SUNWtls VERSION
If it returns the following VERSION then apply the NSS patch in the
table above:
OS Version/ARCH         SUNWtls pkg VERSION
---------------         -------------------
Solaris 8 SPARC         3.3.2,REV=2002.
Solaris 9 SPARC         3.3.2,REV=2002.
Solaris 9 x86           3.3.3,REV=2003.
Solaris 10 SPARC        3.9.5,REV=2005.
Solaris 10 x86          3.9.5,REV=2005.
Please consult the release notes for last minute changes and details.
You can find the release notes, Installation Guide,
and other product documentation at:
Sun Java Communications Suite:
BigAdmin: Sun Java Communications Suite:
Sun Java Enterprise System:
If an incompatible patch has previously been installed on the system, the
following error message will be displayed by patchadd when an attempt is
made to install this patch:
  ERROR: This patch is incompatible with patch 
  which has already been applied to the system.
In such circumstances, the incompatible patch needs to be removed using
patchrm before this patch can be applied.
Additional Release Notes:
6.2 Release
- Bug 5071140 is fixed
  Veritas 4.0 is now supported.
6.2-1 Release
- ***** WARNING *****
  For Solaris 10 systems you MUST have the following Solaris patchadd
  patch installed prior to applying the Messaging Server patch.
  Failure to do so will make the Messaging Server unusable and
  will require an uninstall and re-install.  The Messaging Server
  patch does NOT check to see if these patches are installed.
  - Solaris sparc: 119254-01
  - Solaris x86:   119255-01
6.3 Release
- Messenger Express is deprecated and will be removed in a future release
- Note that Solaris 8 is no longer supported.
6.3-2.01 (120228/120229/120230-21 or 126479/126480-02) Release
Starting with this release, the veritas HA agents (VCSHA) are now part 
of the Messging Server core. It is installed under 
<msg_svr_base>/vcsha. You must run <msg_svr_base>/sbin/config-vcsha 
in order to configure it.
On solaris sparc, the VCSHA agents were originally delivered with 
the SUNWmsgvc package, which by default is installed under
<msg_svr_base>/SUNWmsgvc . Starting with this release the SUNWmsgvc 
package is no longer needed. To uninstall the older version run
   pkgrm SUNWmsgvc
6.3-6.02 (120228/120229/120230-27 or 126479/126480-08) Release
CR 6237504 body location missing from returned BODYSTRUCTURE
Bug 6237504 may impact any email client that implements BODYSTRUCTURE
as defined by RFC3501. If your site uses such a client, a reconstruct
will be needed to fix any messages delivered before this patch was applied.
6.3-8.05 (120228/120229/120230-37 or 126479/126480-18) Release
CR 6846470 Messaging Server pipe_master program fails after installing NSS patch 119211-20
Bug 6846470 will impact Messaging Server if shared component patch 119213-19 is applied. 
The workaround has been described under "IMPORTANT NOTE" for DS applies
for MS as well.
Also creating a link to in the Messaging Server's lib directory will resolve the issue.
README -- Last modified date:  Friday, September 30, 2011

README -- Last modified date: Wednesday, November 30, 2011