OBSOLETE Patch-ID# 138686-03

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Keywords: java_es-5 portal server security
Synopsis: Obsoleted by: 138686-04 Portal Server 7.2 Solaris (sparc): Maintenance Patch
Date: Jun/30/2009

Install Requirements: See Special Install Instructions

Solaris Release: 9 10

SunOS Release: 5.9 5.10

Unbundled Product: Portal Server

Unbundled Release: 7.2

Xref: This patch available for i386 as patch 138687-03

Topic: Portal Server

Relevant Architectures: sparc

Bugs fixed with this patch:

Sun CR # Bug #

Changes incorporated in this version: 6754629 6598204 6812180 6843501 6838412

Patches accumulated and obsoleted by this patch:

Patches which conflict with this patch:

Patches required with this patch:

Obsoleted by:

Files included with this patch:


Problem Description:

6754629 Gateway generated URL contains internal port when scheme is null in a request
6598204 User's role is changed but channels from previous role exists 
6812180 com.sun.portal.desktop.DesktopException:attempt to reference unknown channel
6843501 File Sharing portlet does not use max file size parameter
6838412 Portal Gateway ignores "Login Success URL"
(from patch release 02)
6750036 XSS vulnerability in SUN ONE Portal error page 
6758731 Patchshould contain details about install procedure for Dist.Env
6799269 Expired netlet applet certificate
6825749 Gateway virtual hosting is not working as expected
6825790 Rwproxy checkacl is not functional and always denies access
(from patch release 01)
6723480 Downed rwproxy produces endless flood of messages and prevents effected user sessions from continuing
6755102 gateway in dmz connects to LDAP during startup 
6680401 PDC not working when AM and PS are not colocated
6671091 Gateway custom HTTP-Headers missing when log in via PDC
6690607 Portal Server UBT Log file DB Connectivity breaks after long idle activity.

Patch Installation Instructions:
1) Root privileges are required to install patches. Change user to root if not
   already a root user.
2) Enter the directory where patches are available.
   If patches are available in /export/<patch-id>...
   example#  cd /export
3) Install the patch.
   example# patchadd <patch-id>
4) Verify that the Web Container's JVM setting for MaxPermSize is
   set to at least 300M, i.e.:
   Use the following "asadmin" commands to verify, and if necessary, modify 
   the JVM settings for all instances involved with Portal web application deployment:
      * get
        Hint:  asadmin get -u <admin> <instance-name>.java-config.jvm-options
        If your deployment is sharing the DAS' web container, <instance-name>
        is "server".
      * delete-jvm-options
      * create-jvm-options
      Refer to the following for more information regarding "asadmin" commands:
5) Restart Web Container
6) Verify that the community database is running.  If Java DB is hosting
   the community database, and if it is not already running, you may
   issue the commands described in:
7) Restart Common Agent Container
   example# /usr/lib/cacao/bin/cacaoadm restart
8) Confirm that Common Agent Container is running
   example# /usr/lib/cacao/bin/cacaoadm status
   This command should return uptime like 'Uptime: 0 day(s), 0:1' .
   If Common Agent Container is not started, wait for sometime and run status
   command again, until it returns Uptime.
9) Run psupdate script.
   example# <PS_PROD_DIR>/bin/psupdate -a
   where <PS_PROD_DIR> is the Portal Server product directory.
10) Restart Common Agent Container and web container.
11) Read the Patch Release Notes. After the instalation these are available at :

Special Install Instructions:

README -- Last modified date: Saturday, November 10, 2012